Operator Rep from TotalEnergies on OMC for 2 yrs…

Operator Rep from TotalEnergies on OMC for 2 yrs…
OSDU® Forum Vice Chair Election – Jane McConnell re-elected as OSDU® Forum Vice Chair …
Two new liaisons and benefits from organizational consensus……
OSDU Data Platform release M24 is wrapped up and available……
Congratulations to the eight Fall 2024 Award Winners……
Three Operator Reps and One Vendor Rep announced..…
Snapshot is published and available for comment…
Vendor Rep from Halliburton on OMC for 2 more years……
Four new liaisons to connect with other organizations...…
Elected as New Vendor Rep from IesBrazil to OMC for 2 yrs……
OSDU Data Platform release M23 is wrapped up and available ...…
Mining SIG is catapulting mining’s OSDU journey...…
The Open Group invites proposals from qualified vendors,,,,…
Seven Members honored at Spring meeting...…
New frequency for releases and the advantages …
Congratulations to the re-elected and newly elected OMC...…
M22 pre-ship activities have been officially...…
OSDU R3 Milestone 21 is now released...…
The Open Group proudly announced the winners of the OSDU® Forum Awards...…
P&WS working group is building capability … …
Celebrating our members outstanding contributions in London …
Geospatial Consumption Zone with Map Service API available…
OSDU Edge working group focused on innovations in ...…
Submitting requests for OSDU-enabled solutions…
Extending OSDU data models for new energy…
Gratitude to dedicated members for their contributions to M13……
Validation workflows and procedure testing……
Landing what will launch and all it entails……