Open Source Portal

Acccess OSDU Standards, Data Platform Code, APIs and more

All OSDU documentation, code, and more… in one place


OSDU Standards & Services

Get grounded in the fundamentals

OSDU Data Platform

Delivering a platform with all the parts


Community GitLab Access

Instruction for gaining free access

Community GitLab access is needed to access the links below


Making Collaboration across industry possible

Implementing a standard OSDU language for all data types with clearly defined data attributes, allowing for standardized data storage, interfaces and sharing

Find an overview of the data models employed by the OSDU platform by domains, providing insights into how entities, relationships, and attributes. View

Explore the OSDU Schema Usage Guide for implementing a standardized approach to data representation and interchange across the OSDU Data Platform. View

Provide support and extensions for the OSDU platform, which are not part of the platform releases. Explore these support tools.    View

“The standardizing energy data is pivotal to streamlining delivery, enabling flexibility and opening the industry to collaboration and AI.”


Deploying a revolutionary OSDU ecosystem

Establishing an agile digital environment that responses to business workflow, allows new insights and ushers in a more data-driven era.

Contains all the services (consumption, core, domain data management, etc.), libraries, Airflow DAGs that are delivered in each milestone release. View

Discover a collection of pre-shipping activities – KT sessions, work demos, postman collections to support User Acceptance testing.  View

Find the automated QA tests done on the OSDU Data Platform for each milestone release with real-world datasets. View

Discover more about the OSDU Release Strategy and planned date for upcoming OSDU milestone releases.  View

“The OSDU Data Platform is transforming our digital ecosystem, stimulating innovation and bringing a real-time technology solution to the complete supply chain.”

Accessing OSDU content

Establish a log-in to access the OSDU Community GitLab for free.

Leveraging Open Source content to advance digital transformation across the complete supply chain

3 Steps to enter the OSDU world of open-source products and services

  1. First time users go to The Open Group Community Projects (GitLab Portal) sign in page and click on Register now.

  2. Complete the 5 required fields (First and Last Name, Username, Email and Password) and Register.

  3. On the Community page, sign in to access the public GitLab site where all the Open Source work resides.

Access details

  • Non-members can register an account and “view” the OSDU Software Project. By default, all self-registered individuals (including OSDU Members) assume the permissions of “reporter”. Reporter permissions allow limited actions. More GitLab permissions details.

  • In GitLab, there is a “request permissions” option for the projects allowing all users to request higher access levels. By approval default, members receive the permission level of “Developer”.

  • If additional permissions, such as “Maintainer” are requested, those requests are approved by the Project Management Committee (PMC) directly. Anyone (member or non-member) can request higher access).

  • Comply with OSDU Brand Guide and Export Compliance.

Ready to implement the OSDU Data Standards and Platform?