Reduction in Release Cadence

This change in the release schedule addresses feedback and strengthens the platform

As of February 2024, the Milestone release cadence has been reduced from every 6 weeks to every 16 weeks. The primary focus for this change is to:

  • strengthen existing platform capabilities and
  • support the launch a community available OSDU data platform

Advantages of New Cadence

The four-month release cadence strikes a better balance between new features and stability. From a development point of view, there was a need to focus on:

  • Quality and robustness of the platform rather than rapidly adding new features,
  • Resolve existing technical debt,
  • Complete existing features and address known issues.

Keeping Pace

Many companies were struggling to keep pace with the previous OSDU® release cadence.  Our members have told us that they were not able to adopt the previous version before the new Milestone release. The new cadence will provide more time for users to provide meaningful feedback on new releases.

Next Milestone

While the next major milestone release (M23) has been scheduled for May 2024, a minor release or patch could be released if an urgent fix or minor improvement is necessary.  The content and frequency are dependent upon two vital factors:

  • User feedback and suggested improvements submitted via the OSDU Community Idea Portal on Aha!
  • OSDU Members contributing their time and effort to implement improvements.

As we strengthen the OSDU Data Platform capabilities and receive user feedback, we will confirm the effectiveness of our cadence schedule and adjust as necessary. We also welcome members to support the technical working groups as additional hands are always needed.