Catch the Fever. Be a Fan!

World Series – here we come! The OSDU® Data Platform is a sure bet!

Who doesn’t want to know the stats of a baseball team before placing their bets?  There are ways to make an informed decision to join a team’s fan club before the last game of the season.

The digital transformation that the OSDU® Data Platform and standards will bring about for the energy industry is truly a game changer. It promises data freedom, more application interoperability, and opens the doors to AI and other innovative solutions. Knowing all that The Open Group OSDU Forum has to offer, many are still not active team members.

Here is what made me a diehard OSDU fan, and how I knew the OSDU Forum would succeed in their vision or should I say, “hit it out of the park!

Major League Players

Though competitors in the marketplace, the operators in the O&G/Energy Industry are players in the development of the OSDU Forum – not passively but actively playing a role. At the face-to-face meeting in Houston in October 2023, the majors (bp, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, and others) met to discuss what was needed for the OSDU solution to be more effective – sooner vs later.  They proceeded to take assignments – to commit to working on specific areas, avoiding overlapping efforts, thus advancing the OSDU Forum at a better pace.

In that conference room, they were not major league competitors but team members, each bringing their passion and strength to the table and committing to develop and donate work back to the OSDU Forum – to make change happen.

Heavy Hitters

When have you seen cloud and infrastructure providers – heavy hitters, like AWS, Google, IBM, and Microsoft, locked arm-in-arm on an initiative that they each hope to make money on?  Like an All-Star team, each from their competitive camps, they came together for a panel discussion on OSDU progress at the last F2F meeting in Houston. It was impressive to hear how they are working to contribute to the OSDU Forum to make this transformative data platform work.

Lead Runners

More than 180 software vendors, system integrators, and application developers are part of the OSDU Forum and working to integrate OSDU principles into their applications. These lead runners are in “scoring positions” ready to bring OSDU applications home for your team. It is their agility and tactical knowledge that makes for a winning team. Being active in the OSDU Forum, they are quick on their feet to understand OSDU progress, contribute to the codes, and bring home the wins.  You wouldn’t wait until the day before your first baseball game to determine what runners you want on your team, so why wait to check out what our OSDU vendors have to offer – check out the applications, services and more on the OSDU catalog.

World Series

I would bet on the OSDU initiatives making it to the technology “World Series”, why?  The OSDU Forum and the OSDU Data Platform are in the big leagues – making big transformational changes in the energy industry that will forever change the game.

Major players, heavy hitters, and lead runners = a lineup that is real and passionate about this work. OSDU contributors are “stepping up to the plate” and making progress. Catch the OSDU fever, and join me and other diehard fans help the OSDU Data Platform hit a Home Run!

In full disclosure, I’m not a coder nor a techy, but I still contribute to the OSDU Forum by supporting the Communications & Marketing team. Become an OSDU Forum supporter, there is no doubt we can put your talents to use!  Second disclosure: Yes, baseball season just started and living in the Houston area, you can guess what team I want to see in the World Series… again!


Danette Zdansky Bio

Danette Zdansky is a dedicated communication professional with a passion for internal engagement, change management, and culture building projects.  Though Danette has a technical background in chemistry, she found that her marketing background was valuable in her quality management positions establishing ISO 9000 management systems for chemical plant and O&G research centers. For the last 18 years, she has brought those project management and influencing skills into her Communications and Public Relations positions working for companies, like Shell and bp, and supporting activities from R&D to corporate innovation campaigns. Outside of work, Danette enjoys traveling, photography, and spending time with family. Her latest endeavor is to try her hand at writing a novel.