OSDU Data Platform release details and schedule
Delivering value to end users and workflows
Each Mercury (R3) Milestone Release (M##) will contain incremental improvements, built on the OSDU Data Platform’s flexible microservice architecture to provide and enhance:
- Features that improve and transform end users’ ways of working.
- Required features that ensure security and establish trust.
- New services that confirm fully integrated functionality
- Performant data access for business applications, through Domain Data Management Systems (DDMS)
- Flexible user-friendly data ingestion with Airflow Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG)
- Enhanced data entitlement compliance, supporting both customer-defined dynamic policies and traditional access right management.
- In addition to these services, common libraries and supporting capabilities are continuously improved.
Transformational simplification for faster deployment
Staying true to our mission and vision, the OSDU Forum will continually evaluate the OSDU Data Platform to determine when it has reached maturity and may require a systematic technological renewal to successfully reach the next evolution toward its intended vision.
Only together can we make this energy data transformation successful both today and tomorrow. Join our OSDU community as we engage our Members and design a future roadmap based upon collaboration and consensus.
OSDU Platform Release Resources
Bringing OSDU Data Platform improvements to you
Your one-stop shop all release information

Open Source Portal (Community GitLab) – Register to access free content.
OSDU Data Platform Software – All relevant links and information.
Platform Release Strategy – Approach to managing and delivering updates and enhancements, includes release schedule.
Release Notes – Details on new features, bug fixes, enhancements, and more for each release.
Benefits of developing on the OSDU Data Platform.
Find more support, discover future plans, influence platform progress in the OSDU Forum.